Double Impulse Sealer
We provide a wide selection of parts for Double Impulse Sealers, essential for regular maintenance and upkeep of your equipment. Below you will find parts for the AIE-310FD, AIE-300FDC, AIE-450FD, AIE-410FD, AIE-450FDC, AIE-600FD, AIE-610FD, AIE-600FDC, AIE-300FD, AIE-305FDA, AIE-310FDA, AIE-455FDA, AIE-410FDA, AIE-605FDA, AIE-610FDA, AIE-305FDV, AIE-455FDV, AIE-410FDV, AIE-605FDV, AIE-610FDV, AIE-805FDA, FKR-300A, FKR-200A, FKR-400A, W-300T, W-450T, W-600T model double impulse sealers. Replacement element wires, silicone rubbers, ptfe strips, full element kits, and much more are all on offer below.
AIE offers a 180 day warranty on all their sealers and parts excluding the AIE-RS1, AIE-RS2, and AIE-RS3.